For companies that need to import and wish that all the steps are outsourced, enjoying a formal import door-to-door mode.
Recommended for companies that do not yet have structure to import directly.
Our service covers all the import steps, enabling support in RADAR (if necessary); through the search for products in the foreign market with negotiation; boarding; until clearance and land or air transportation in Brazil.
Our professionals assist in the analysis of the goods to be imported and investigating the need for import licences for the Brazilian territory. We provide the procedures for licenses (INMETRO, MAP) and we provide imports with NCM and HS.
We also provide services of suppliers and products in other countries for companies that need to import, but still does not have a supplier abroad.
Transport changes from all continents for Brazil. We have Office in Japan, Nagoya-Shi (Tel: 81-52-242-2495).